JFK Lancer Presentation 2024

Evidence and information related to Carmine Savastano’s 2024 JFK Lancer presentation “The Modern Age of Political Rage” are offered for your review. The speech includes a brief review of modern assassination attempts and two questions that remain despite the extensive press coverage and statements offered by officials. These attempts are further considered in the context of what appears to be just the latest cycle of modern American political violence. Four distinct spans of rage fueled by societal divisions, political incitement, and increasing security failures amidst the last sixty years are inspected. What began in Dallas six decades ago was feasibly the first attack, in a series of dozens, which targeted presidents and presidential candidates. The presentation offers a sobering look at increasing violent trends and considers if society can muster the will to reverse them.

The Unwanted Unknowns
A Public Review of the Secret Service
A Public Review of the Secret Service pt. 2
The Menace of Malice

Preliminary Report of the United States House of Representatives
US v Ryan Wesley Routh Court Documents

“Maybe Carmine...Maybe Not”, The Lone Gunman Podcast, Episode 317

JFK Lancer Website

Comparing physical alteration claims and verified Evidence Destruction

Historian Mike Swanson stops by the Ochelli Effect to discuss past claims of body alteration that persist despite most evidence. Researcher C.A.A. Savastano offers updates regarding his prior discovery of massive evidence destruction by an element of the Department of Defense. Chuck Ochelli and his guests further discuss upcoming new evidence and additional found damage to the evidentiary record by related officials.

JFK Lancer 2022 Conference Presentation

Information provided by author Carmine Savastano with respect to his speech “Infamous yet unproven suspects and a viable but largely unknown one” as discussed at the JFK Lancer 2022 Conference. Included below are several links to related research and information relevant to his evidentiary inspection of three public figures in the Kennedy Assassination case.

QJWIN-1: Jose Marie Andre Mankel
Who was QJWIN-1?
QJWIN-1 Mary Ferrell Foundation Cryptonym Listing

WIROGUE-1: David Tzitzichvili
Who was WIROGUE-1?
Who was WIROGUE-1? part II
AEASPIC Mary Ferrell Foundation Cryptonym Listing
WIROGUE-1 Mary Ferrell Foundation Cryptonym Listing

John Henry Hill
The Man About Town

JFK Lancer Website

Fact, Film, and Historical Fiction Triple Feature

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You are invited to a three shows featuring discussions about sinister history as several inspect the evidence, artistic value, and the many contradictions of a famous leader. Three recent shows each with evidence and analysis for your review.

For those with a taste for debunking official and public myths: JFK Myths 16
For those who favor a discussion of film: Shining Lights Different Democrat
For those who choose disturbing history: Jefferson’s History Current Mysteries

C.A.A. Savastano returns to The Past American Century

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Lee Harvey Oswald and his actions have dominated much of the public discussion about the JFK case, but has this constant focus on him taken away the greater view of events in the JFK assassination? C.A.A. Savastano and your host Mike Swanson discuss this and other related historical subjects.

The Ochelli Effect and Expanded MLK Investigation Files

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Administrator, educator, and advocate for socioeconomic justice Garland Brown returns to discuss the legacy, progress, and the elusive things still needed to fulfill Dr. King's dream with author Carmine Savastano and your host Chuck Ochelli.

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Additionally offered is an expanded and updated MLK Investigation Files section with additional evidence and information regarding persons of note, FBI illegality and CIA surveillance targeting Dr. King and his cadre. #MLK50 #evidence

The CIA Man who considered using Oswald

The CIA Man who considered using Oswald

The pseudonym Thomas B. Casasin belongs to a largely unknown Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer. His name appeared in a memo researchers for years have discussed that supports that at least one Agency employee considered using Lee Harvey Oswald for the acquisition of foreign intelligence. While this does not definitively connect Oswald to the CIA, it does offer that possibility was quite real. While the mythical secret agent Oswald a few offer is improbable, we do have verifiable evidence dispelling past claims that Oswald would never be considered for official use.i  However, there is more to the story of Casasin than just the prior versions of this notable memo...

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Project ZRRIFLE update


An expansion of the Primary Evidence Collections Project ZRRIFLE section with new documents from the 2017 JFK Records release, additional photography, and additional project files, summaries, and timelines.  #ZRRIFLE #QJWIN #JFK 

Castro Plots update

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A newly updated section with additional details about the CIA assassination plots targeting Fidel Castro, seven new documents from the 2017 JFK files, and multiple detailed summaries and timelines of the organization and development of various  related plots from the official files. #JFK #evidencematters 

The Man About Town

A further review of the man several officials feasibly did not identify in Dallas, who bought a new rifle for a hunting trip, was the subject of prior FBI reports noting threats to JFK, and who dined near Dealey Plaza on the morning of November 22, 1963.

RION: John and Jo Beth Hill


The statement of John Henry Hill’s wife that he was located blocks from Dealey Plaza around the time of President Kennedy's assassination. While her statement does not infer a definite nefarious connection, it does support unknown possibly armed men in the area could largely escape official notice. #JFK #Evidence 

A Fake Card-Carrying Member

A Fake Card-Carrying Member

Discussions about Lee Harvey Oswald often venture to speculation when seeking to provide a feasible motive for Oswald's purported actions. With scant time to prepare, without verifiable practice, some deem his alleged associations can explain what officials failed to repeatedly. Often the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC), an organization in the United States that promoted the interests Fidel Castro and by extension his Communist regime is attributed some blame. Others assert Oswald was a loyal and active member serving the Communist or Socialist factions within the group.  This claim is followed by allegations that Oswald was a lone gunman or a creature of Cuban or Soviet intelligence. However, the FPCC was a loosely organized group that never directed Oswald to do anything...

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