Officials Were Droning On
/Media and public speculations regarding unidentified drones spotted in the United States within recent months have ranged from aliens to foreign governments. The story built often on sensationalism was manipulated by some in politics to further incite the matter and present themselves as if they were doing something about it. Yet this was despite that no politician or media personality complaining had portrayed the matter as beyond the control of American officials. Consider that if a foreign government or otherworldly presence desired to infiltrate America they might turn off the lights on a drone to prevent detection. It would make little sense for a military enemy or anyone intent on nefarious deeds to advertise there presence. Yet the many drones, that also include misidentified commercial aircraft, were not seeking to conceal themselves but in several instances were there precisely to be observed. Why did these drones garner significant media attention and what did they distract public attention from?
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