The Unwanted Unknowns

The Unwanted Unknowns

In just over a few months we have experienced two confirmed political attacks targeting a presidential candidate. Each of those events has gained some clarity but also inspired some officials to predict the next potential occurrence to avoid repeating past security failures. Yet investigators should never presume they cannot be mistaken or a public accusation is warranted lacking the necessary evidence. We are in the early stages of official investigations but some desire to name the next potential attacker precipitously. This has in past cases lead to more public confusion and officials misinforming the very people who employ them. Unwanted questions and unknown motivations can linger despite the best attempts or intentions of law enforcement to close a case…

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A Brief History of North American Slavery

A Brief History of North American Slavery

In the modern debate about United States history some have attempted to rewrite history and seemingly refocus it upon a culture of selective grievance study. Instead of a neutral assessment with context and substantial evidence these advocates have opted to employ ideology by promoting the censorship of opposing facts and scholars. There are huge periods of history absent from many supposedly insightful texts and reports in the media likely because they do not serve the narrative some want portrayed. Often such personalities mixing social justice with academics will assume they are eminent moral authorities but fail to make factually verifiable arguments that do not rely partially on ideology. We must now ask what have they left out of their historical narrative and is what they claim a full account of how the injustice of slavery began in America?

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