The Central Impersonation Agency

The Central Impersonation Agency

The Company, BKHERALD, KUBARK, and several other coded, official, and unofficial names exist to describe the Central Intelligence Agency. Lurking in the shadows of clandestine operations the CIA over generations has undertaken some of the most complex impersonations and created numerous false entities or businesses to support its goals. CIA remains among the intelligence groups which possess skilled operatives that can generate deceptive credentials and identities as routine business. Yet less known are those who for a time evaded detection falsely using the name of the CIA and the operations they conducted illegally. Some of these varying people included minor intelligence assets, foreign militants, and criminals that used the Agency’s reputation to further secret enterprises and left officials deal with the ramifications…

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Meet The Jacobs (The Couple That Befriended Marina Oswald)

Meet The Jacobs (The Couple That Befriended Marina Oswald)

The Unites States Information Agency (USIA) is a former intelligence group organized to conduct “foreign opinion research, media reaction reporting, and special evaluations and analysis” during the Cold War.i This group first emerged as part of the Coordinator of Information’s (COI) office led by General William Donovan amid WWII. Similar to the Central Intelligence Agency it was reconstituted from minor groups once within that COI’s office but USIA was not created until nineteen fifty-three. They administrated some foreign cultural and educational programs run by the Department of State, used press outlets such as the Voice of America, and gathered worldwide intelligence. Among the projects USIA supported was the American National Exhibition in Russia held in the course of nineteen fifty-nine. The display was presented to demonstrate several aspects of American life to the Russian public and focused on western cultural and technological innovations. Millions of people over the course of months reportedly filled a park in Moscow to observe the gathered displays. Following the exhibition’s successful conclusion one of the USIA’s press officer’s and his family were still present in Russia’s capital until the end of October. That employee’s name was John Jacobs…

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The Death and Times of a Gangster pt. 2

The Death and Times of a Gangster pt. 2

Salvatore Momo “Mooney” Giancana was born during the spring of nineteen hundred and eight within the Little Italy section of Chicago. He spent his formative years in street gangs and was responsible for several crimes, including murder, by reaching the age of twenty. Sam gained the position of driver in the ranks of Al Capone’s gang and with the passing of the nineteen thirties would officially joined the Chicago mafia. Officials note amongst nineteen forty-nine he became the right hand of former Capone Gang leader Anthony “Big Tuna” Joseph Accardo. Giancana over the years would conceal his identity to undertake crimes by using a prodigious amount of aliases which required Federal Bureau of Investigation officials to link his nearly one hundred false names. Momo’s rising influence also garnered him a percentage of the profits made by several gambling rackets and liquor businesses within the suburbs of Chicago. It also brought him to the attention of the United States Department of Justice and its subordinate groups…

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The Men Who Did Not Kill Kennedy pt. 1

The Men Who Did Not Kill Kennedy pt. 1

The shadowy mystique cloaking the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has in some respects grown deeper over the decades. The public has been left seeking historical clarity after more than half a dozen Congressional and Executive branch investigations. What remains are cleaved government findings that have denied and supported the existence of a plot to murder America’s past head of state. Authors, experts, and former officials have further over time weighed in to support or deny the existence of a deadly plot but definitive evidence to support popular claims remains scant or just does not exist. Often endorsements, attributions of guilt lacking documentary proof, and recycled past claims with new twists are the standard fare given to the public for consumption. Yet the proof largely dispelling the array of stories created by official and public figures is too often left unspoken…

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The Lone Gunman Podcast: Symphony of Destruction with Carmine Savastano

C.A.A. Savastano returns to The Lone Gunman Podcast with Rob Clark and Joe Borelli! Among the subjects reviewed is evidence proving an expansive file purge by military and Defense Department officials. They also discussed a request to the Defense Intelligence Agency to confirm this prior document obliteration that was given a “reply”, the importance of reliable sources, combating myths, and other notable figures related to the assassination of President Kennedy.

Government Officials Destroying the Evidentiary Record (JFK Assassination Files)

Government Officials Destroying the Evidentiary Record (JFK Assassination Files)

An important responsibility of ethical government agencies is the ability to provide documentary evidence of viable importance for later historical study. To occlude, purposefully withhold files, and even destroy evidence is the antithesis of government transparency and provides reasons to doubt official intentions regarding any matter of controversy. Official concerns about the public reaction to noted violations of law are irrelevant and do not provide a legal reasoning for destroying records. Yet by nineteen sixty-seven the Dallas Police investigation, FBI Investigation, Warren Commission, and Garrison Case had left several questions in the public mind regarding assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It was also during this period that military intelligence was undertaking several illegal programs that further incentivized the need for destroying files…

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Comparing physical alteration claims and verified Evidence Destruction

Historian Mike Swanson stops by the Ochelli Effect to discuss past claims of body alteration that persist despite most evidence. Researcher C.A.A. Savastano offers updates regarding his prior discovery of massive evidence destruction by an element of the Department of Defense. Chuck Ochelli and his guests further discuss upcoming new evidence and additional found damage to the evidentiary record by related officials.

How The Stories of These Soviet Cold War Defectors Reveal The Intelligence Abyss pt. 7

How The Stories of These Soviet Cold War Defectors Reveal The Intelligence Abyss pt. 7

With the passing of nineteen sixty-six the hunt for traitors within the Central Intelligence Agency continued rapidly expanding. Greater targets brought a renewed vigor to assess each in a growing pool of potential victims chosen using the loose parameters set by prized KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn. The desperate search undertaken by the Counterintelligence Staff Special Investigations Group (CISIG) had now consumed significant Agency resources for years while displacing and ending the careers of multiple loyal officers. Several instances of contrived guilt were feasibly due to CISIG gazing too long at the shadows cast by legitimate defectors, employees, and officers. When a detail struck investigators as relevant they often became convinced of deviltry at work in spite of the contrary facts. All this occurred in the name of a hunt unleashed by James Angleton and his subordinates many years earlier for a forever elusive penetration agent…

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