Government Officials Destroying the Evidentiary Record (JFK Assassination Files)

Government Officials Destroying the Evidentiary Record (JFK Assassination Files)

An important responsibility of ethical government agencies is the ability to provide documentary evidence of viable importance for later historical study. To occlude, purposefully withhold files, and even destroy evidence is the antithesis of government transparency and provides reasons to doubt official intentions regarding any matter of controversy. Official concerns about the public reaction to noted violations of law are irrelevant and do not provide a legal reasoning for destroying records. Yet by nineteen sixty-seven the Dallas Police investigation, FBI Investigation, Warren Commission, and Garrison Case had left several questions in the public mind regarding assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It was also during this period that military intelligence was undertaking several illegal programs that further incentivized the need for destroying files…

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How The Stories Of These Soviet Cold War Defectors Reveal The Intelligence Abyss pt. 6

How The Stories Of These Soviet Cold War Defectors Reveal The Intelligence Abyss pt. 6

Within the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination the Central Intelligence Agency had internally declared Lee Harvey Oswald guilty within forty-eight hours.i The Federal Bureau of Investigation granted the alleged shooter seventy-two hours before its determination of guilt the same day Jack Ruby shot Oswald. American intelligence groups were desperate to find an expedient solution and their suspect’s inability to defend himself was ideal. However, some within the CIA’s leadership believed this had to be another Soviet plot and Oswald was cast in the role of Soviet agent. Such ideas endangered the US government’s allegations that Oswald acted by himself but those not privately endorsing this idea became suspects in Central Intelligence Agency’s hunt for traitors…

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The Ghost of Speculations Future

The Ghost of Speculations Future

Enduring historical matters generate significant attention which often inspires certain people to declare improbable stories that cast them as pivotal to history. Claims of royal lineage, tales of secret magical knowledge, and supposed insider knowledge repeatedly are the basis for hucksters to manipulate the public. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy offers no shortage of dishonest official actors but these former leaders are not the only challenge to ascertaining facts. There are opportunists in the public with a great appetite for perceived authority, financial gain, and similar to prior mentioned leaders they assert nearly anything without facts because they also claim to possess some truth or insight unavailable to those who require evidence. Yet how can anyone expect most in the public to believe them without any demonstrable basis to do so?

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Non-fiction Double Feature

Non-fiction Double Feature

The Wall Street Window Podcast presents a discussion of the new book “Human Time Bomb: The Violence Within Our Nature” joined by its author Carmine Savastano. Mike Swanson and Savastano discuss the growing societal issues of aggression, violence, and lacking coping skills in the face of gradual evolutions in biology and increasingly faster advancements in technology.

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Other Men in Mexico City II

Other Men in Mexico City II

According to United States officials just months before they accused Lee Harvey Oswald of assassinating President John F. Kennedy he went to Mexico during the end of September. Intelligence leaders would assume these purported visits were connected to later events, despite that Oswald did not yet work at the Texas Schoolbook Depository and they neglected to account for the parade route not being established until mid-November. Without that foreknowledge provided by another party Oswald cannot perceive the endgame of all these various actions occurring later. Taken by itself the incidents in Mexico City attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald are without direct connective evidence a possible occurrence unto themselves without links to subsequent events beyond Oswald’s alleged visits. The focus of US intelligence regarding Oswald reasonably dominates most inspections but the actions of Soviet and Cuba groups regarding this peculiar historical figure are often less reviewed…

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September 29 and The Blond Man

September 29 and The Blond Man

The Wall Street Window Podcast returns! Join your host Mike Swanson and his guest Carmine Savastano as they review new information regarding the JFK assassination timeline and a KGB figure that was suppressed by officials likely due to the questions his behavior and statements created.

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September 29th and Another Man in Mexico City

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Join historian Larry Hancock, author Carmine Savastano, and your host Chuck Ochelli as they discuss new research, evidence, and KGB officer Nikolai Leonov who has offered a dramatic story involving Lee Harvey Oswald, a gun, and the Soviet Embassy on a day the CIA lacked photo coverage. The same KGB officer additionally closely resembles the description of a yet unknown figure that seemingly caused Oswald enough trouble to prevent him from traveling and could have resulted in his arrest.

Other Men In Mexico City

Other Men In Mexico City

Despite the extensive reviews of governments, legal experts, researchers, and members of the public some controversial topics of discussion still lay entangled within historical shadows. The scene and occurrence of the crime is of primary concern but in some cases the crucial related events span not just a given time and place but great distances that add further problems to discerning verifiable facts. A different nation, different cultures, and languages can provide almost insurmountable challenges to investigators who are unprepared for them. In some cases, it may be that certain groups and leaders counted on this fact to occlude a complete accounting and spare mistakes or deception from being revealed. While officials might currently discount and reproach members of the public for spurring on myths or rumors, these lies are within the very tools of the intelligence trade. Such means were repeatedly utilized by several intelligence groups and in Mexico City during the nineteen sixties and some of those deceptions persist…

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The KGB agent, Speculations, and Evidence

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C.A.A. Savastano joins the Chuck Ochelli to discuss a matter of some historical debate with additional evidence that challenges both official claims and later public assumptions about a KGB agent that was long shrouded in history.

JFK 201 pt. 2 - The Department of Defense

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Historian Larry Hancock, author C.A.A. Savastano, and your host Chuck Ochelli return to discuss the Department of Defense and its related agencies that influenced the development of some illegal and compartmentalized programs. These gaps in oversight allowed for the possible influencing of some groups related to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

C.A.A. Savastano returns to The Lone Gunman Podcast w/ Rob Clark


Join your host Rob Clark and his guest C.A.A. Savastano to discuss and inspect the claims of two prior guests from different sides of the Kennedy assassination case. They discuss the same problems that differently motivated inspections of the case offer, dissect some related myths, and offer why the sources of evidence we believe are important to forming reasonable conclusions.

Intelligence Media Matters

Intelligence Media Matters

Discoveries in the latest and prior releases of the official files are repeatedly evolving our understanding of related historical matters. Yet one thing remains ever the same, the ability of some news media to spotlight aspects of a matter that often distract from the greater questions and instead cast aside the substantial for the salacious. In some cases people directly act as knowing advocates for official agendas and more often a government can utilize a person for their purposes without the subject knowing it occurred. Insightful members of the public should not just question a media personality's ideas, but also the original source of the information they promote…

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C.A.A. Savastano returns to The Past American Century

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Lee Harvey Oswald and his actions have dominated much of the public discussion about the JFK case, but has this constant focus on him taken away the greater view of events in the JFK assassination? C.A.A. Savastano and your host Mike Swanson discuss this and other related historical subjects.

The Facts and Myths of Mind Control

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Is mind control possible? The Ochelli Effect features a discussion of claims and evidence regarding the possibilities and limitations of mental influencing. These claims regarding such techniques and their possible use in multiple historical assassinations is reviewed.

JFK 101 Part 16: The Present JFK Case

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The first season of a nearly two-year sixteen-episode journey assessing the assassination of President John F. Kennedy ends in this episode of the Ochelli Effect's JFK 101 series. Author Larry Hancock, researcher C.A.A. Savastano, and your host Chuck Ochelli return to offer developments in the case and ideas about the next season of JFK 101.