September 29th and Another Man in Mexico City

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Join historian Larry Hancock, author Carmine Savastano, and your host Chuck Ochelli as they discuss new research, evidence, and KGB officer Nikolai Leonov who has offered a dramatic story involving Lee Harvey Oswald, a gun, and the Soviet Embassy on a day the CIA lacked photo coverage. The same KGB officer additionally closely resembles the description of a yet unknown figure that seemingly caused Oswald enough trouble to prevent him from traveling and could have resulted in his arrest.



Offered for your review is a recent addition of the Primary Evidence Collections that features new research, evidence, and extensive information about the Cuban General Directorate of Intelligence. It presents the historical structure, leadership, relevant documents, and useful resources to support additional public research.

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Killing the Wrong Revolutionary

Killing the Wrong Revolutionary

During the Cold War the United States government spent tens perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars seeking the death of their greatest perceived communist nemesis in the Western hemisphere, Fidel Castro. He was everything business interests and corporations feared, a formerly rich person who embraced violent populism, nationalization of industry, and overturning the established order of Cuban society for communal doctrine. Years passed and the foretold implosion of the Castro regime failed to materialize due in part to widespread internal popularity and the brutal repression of dissident voices. This left a stark enemy camped just less than one hundred miles from the United States and Cuba began to dominate the imagination of several anti-Communist leaders. Yet what if Fidel Castro was not the true communist influence but instead just the dominant ego of the regime, what if all those failed plots were not just a costly series of failures but failed targeting the right Castro…

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Deception and Secrets

Deception and Secrets

It will come as no surprise to those with any familiarity with the internal actions undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency that deception and protecting vital secrets are undeniable necessities for national security. However, some activities venture far beyond what is necessary and despite contrary official statements, other actions have repeatedly occurred not from necessity but agenda. Deciphering what is merely operational requirement and what is possibly nefarious intention can prove difficult at times. There is significant evidence while officials frequently employ benign deception at times questionable and dishonest agendas too are in play...

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Castro Plots update

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A newly updated section with additional details about the CIA assassination plots targeting Fidel Castro, seven new documents from the 2017 JFK files, and multiple detailed summaries and timelines of the organization and development of various  related plots from the official files. #JFK #evidencematters 

Cryptonyms update

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Three new decoded cryptonyms from the newly released 2017 JFK Records, CIA penetration agent UNSNAFU-9, and AMLASH-2 and 3 associates of AMLASH-1 (Rolando Cubela) who conspired with CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro. #JFK2017 #evidencematters 

The Autonomous Groups

The Autonomous Groups

Following the Cuban Revolution of 1959, formerly loyal anti-Batista forces were soon opposing Fidel Castro the new dictator of Cuba. With Raul Castro's prominent endorsement of Communist alliances and the failure of Eisenhower administration officials to capitalize on diplomatic solutions for dealing with the regime, the eventual leaders of later dissident groups would then seek Fidel Castro's government to be overthrown. Thousands of disenfranchised people throughout countries in the Western hemisphere would seek individually and using exile groups to wrest control of Cuba from its Communist government. Foreign officials, political groups, mercenaries, private donors, criminals, and agencies of the United States government supported them. Based on internal communications multiple groups were not just loosely organized passionate advocacy organizations but highly trained paramilitary groups who became legitimate domestic security concerns. The leader of one such group was Manuel Artime...

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RION: Manuel Artime Buesa


A document which proves Agency "golden boy" Manuel Artime Buesa and his Cuban exile operations were funded nearly five million dollars by the CIA to cover operations from June 1963 to June 1964. Officials would eventually realize that autonomous groups similar to the Artime's were threats and that not all of their operational expenses were traceable by accounting. #JFK #Evidence 

Exiled Cuban Crusaders

Exiled Cuban Crusaders

The United States government, its military, and intelligence agencies considered Fidel Castro's Cuban regime a preeminent threat. The Communist stronghold was located at the front lines of the Cold War and positioned far too close for the taste of American officials. Seeking to overthrow Castro led some American leaders to ignore potential blowback and engage unreliable and criminal groups to see their desires fulfilled. Hundreds of Cuban exiles of interest to the United States seemed committed to the goal of deposing Castro; among them were the Diaz Lanz brothers, Pedro and Marcos...

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Cuban Relations

Cuban Relations

In the Central Intelligence Agency files regarding Cuba under the Batista regime, Fidel Castro "manages to get himself involved in many things that do not concern him." "Beginning in 1948, the activities of Fidel Castro came to be of increasing concern to the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Government (USG)." Despite the allegations of some officials, no direct link to Communism was established in Castro's history until after hostilities with the United States. "In fact, Agency support for the peaceful transfer of power from Batista to a democratically elected successor and amnesty for Castro and his followers...was proposed in a memorandum from the Inspector General in November 1957...

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Castro Assassination Plots update

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Two documents are offered for your inspection regarding the Central Intelligence Agency Castro Assassination plots. The first is a list of all with foreknowledge of the plots that includes Warren Commissioner Allen Dulles. This infers that Dulles suppressed relevant information from the Commission. The second document is a brief summary and assembled pages from various internal sources regarding portions of the plots. #JFK #CIA #Assassination

Mixed Agendas, Militants, and the Mafia

Mixed Agendas, Militants, and the Mafia

The Mafia's involvement regarding John F. Kennedy's death some declare improbable. A much larger plot is often favored with many officials involved. Yet consider that most high officials were feasibly constrained by fear or wisdom not to risk their entire fate, fortune, and legacy on a plot that easily could go awry. Corporations that comprised the Military Industrial Complex would benefit from Vietnam in my view regardless of whoever was President. President Kennedy was reducing the amount of troops in Vietnam, yet a total withdrawal of all forces would have feasibly taken years. The corporations would still profit from Vietnam beyond the first Kennedy term...

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