Are many Suspicious deaths supported by Evidence?

Are many Suspicious deaths supported by Evidence?

Some claim an expansive list of deaths is related to the Kennedy assassination and this is in addition to the complex plot that often accompanies such claims. Yet would a successful plot include the need to eliminate so many? The nature of a successful assassination is to minimize the amount of people involved and those killed because each additional death beyond a handful would attract notice and opportunity for exposure. Thus, we are left to ponder why so many deaths are necessary for a successful plot?

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Travelers, Informants, and Defectors

Travelers, Informants, and Defectors

Feasibly both the United States and Russian governments utilized several travelers and defectors. These people were tourists or aspiring expatriates who seemingly wished to embrace foreign life. These defectors in some cases provided useful intelligence data on topics of official interest. Over twenty United States military personnel defected from 1960 to 1962.i The Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation debriefed some upon their return. Other prior defectors continued to be sources of official information...

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The Rumor heard around the World

The Rumor heard around the World

An official touchstone of the Kennedy case has been the repeated allegation that Lee Harvey Oswald fired his Carcano at General Walker and missed. Some contend this demonstrates Oswald's propensity for the subsequent assassination of President Kennedy, and striking at the enemies of Communism. Yet Lee Harvey Oswald was not a Communist.i "Investigation by the Commission has produced no plausible evidence..." that Oswald was connected to the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, or any other leftist organization...

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RION: Guy Banister

Guy Banister.png

For decades, officials and critics of conspiracy have stated that former FBI Agent and New Orleans Police Officer Guy Bannister, a prior assassination suspect, had no connection to the Central Intelligence Agency. Yet Banister was a CIA informant and his detective business was a prospect for being utilized as a CIA front business. This does not prove Bannister was responsible for President Kennedy's death but again proves Agency officials were dishonest.

The Ghost of Speculations Past

The Ghost of Speculations Past

Official and public commentaries have attempted to fill many evidentiary gaps in the Kennedy assassination. Yet these attempts were not all based on rigorous inquiry and evidence. Perhaps a few sought a place in history, to profit, and generated their biased view of events via their own speculative presumptions. The worst of these possible are those attempting to create ideas of whole cloth with a veneer of actual evidence in attempts to gain credibility...

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A Tale of Too Many Rifles

A Tale of Too Many Rifles

A Carcano 6.5, Mauser 7.65, Enfield 303, and Japanese rifle are asserted to be present or near the Texas Schoolbook Depository by various sources on November 22, 1963. However, what does most verifiable evidence corroborate? Would a feasible conspiracy utilize so many unimportant officials subject to repeated incompetence to switch weapons? Other weapons are possible but are they probable?

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Who were Mr. and Mrs. Oswald?

Who were Mr. and Mrs. Oswald?

Competing influences surround the Oswalds. Official groups vied for their various statements and influenced public perceptions. The earliest statements evolve in time. Official suppression and contending evidence regarding Lee Harvey Oswald is worthy of note. However, some public authorities and critics of conspiracy often state no proof exists of official interest in using Oswald for operational purposes...

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Mixed Agendas, Militants, and the Mafia

Mixed Agendas, Militants, and the Mafia

The Mafia's involvement regarding John F. Kennedy's death some declare improbable. A much larger plot is often favored with many officials involved. Yet consider that most high officials were feasibly constrained by fear or wisdom not to risk their entire fate, fortune, and legacy on a plot that easily could go awry. Corporations that comprised the Military Industrial Complex would benefit from Vietnam in my view regardless of whoever was President. President Kennedy was reducing the amount of troops in Vietnam, yet a total withdrawal of all forces would have feasibly taken years. The corporations would still profit from Vietnam beyond the first Kennedy term...

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The Problematic Single Bullet Theory

The Problematic Single Bullet Theory

A rebuttal to the famous President's "Warren" Commission Hypothesis

The President's (Warren) Commission has generated divisive findings that some declare are conclusive. However, repeated aspects of the of the single bullet theory do not find support from the Commission's own experts. Unfortunately, the lower evidentiary threshold of a "preponderance of evidence" did not require these discrepancies to enjoy additional review.  If an unbiased and complete review occurred, it would regard all testimony by the Commission witnesses. They would not ignore relevant contending evidence to the advantage of their predisposed findings...

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Most Official Evidence is required to proving a Feasible Conspiracy

Most Official Evidence is required to proving a Feasible Conspiracy

Often regarding the assassination of President Kennedy, some advocates of conspiracy are quick to determine the unreliability of most past evidence. Yet discarded as well are occasions of substantial contending official documents. Instances of monumental deficiency are verifiable only after review of the official evidence and original statements. If they are not consulted any chance of determining the sufficiency and deficiency of the official case is lost... 

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Lee Harvey Oswald feasibly had no consistent Rifle Practice

Lee Harvey Oswald feasibly had no consistent Rifle Practice

Despite corroborated suppressed evidence and a possible feasibly small conspiracy, I do not support that most official evidence is tainted. However, key moments and official assertions are deficient in my view and require further study and comparison with the facts. Namely, the assertion by the Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald regularly practiced with his Carcano rifle on a regular basis. This idea while supported by many critics of conspiracy is not as reliable as some imagine...

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Ignore the Bias and Seek all the Evidence

Ignore the Bias and Seek all the Evidence

A rebuttal of "The Holy Grail of JFK Conspiracies Will Never Be Found" by John McAdams

Professor John McAdams is a well-known figure of conspiracy criticism and yet he often relies upon grand claims and insults. In the pursuit of discrediting all possible evidence supporting conspiracy, McAdams fails to realize much discrediting the official findings lie within its own evidence. While some conspiracy advocates and critics deal in speculation, insults, and definitive presumptions, none have the definitive evidence to prove these claims. The legal standard of a preponderance of evidence is not legally definitive; it relies upon all necessary evidence offered and it requires specific evidence as the basis for its claims. Unfortunately, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency each suppressed and denied the President's (Warren) Commission evidence and  how could any investigation without important primary evidence succeed or be definitive...

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The Wintry Gales of Reason

The Wintry Gales of Reason

A Rebuttal of "In The Blossom of Our Sins" by Charles R. Drago

"Half a century passes, yet our focus remains not on the moon but on the finger pointing to it.  As the 50th anniversary of the Dallas operation loomed, petitions were being signed to convince the praetorian guard of John F. Kennedy's killers to stand down and allow the truth to be spoken and justice to be pursued during the official observance of the assassination scheduled to be staged - and I do mean "staged" the appointed hour, the black mass was celebrated. Cracked bells tolled, crocodile tears flowed, deceit-driven litanies were regurgitated, truth and justice banished, and sheets of foolscap bearing the name of self-anointed warrior petitioners were cut into small, uniform squares with which the conspiracy's contemporary Facilitators would wipe their..." (Charles R. Drago)i
Some who represent the opposing sides debating conspiracy have seemingly forgone reasonable debate. Many remain skeptical and willing to discuss the contending evidence, others have made their decision. They do not feasibly consider most verifiable facts to deduce probable outcomes because they cannot imagine primary evidence could refute their current ideas and this has left many on the losing side of history. While I agree that a feasible assassination conspiracy occurred, the "Dallas Operation" is not conclusively proven. Drago's lengthy diatribe regarding his feelings about the official event subsequently held in Dealey Plaza, is irrelevant and biased and his confrontational and pseudo-revolutionary prose is unnecessary and counterproductive to actual discussion. Critics and advocates have personally insulted me for my contentions based on evidence they do not "believe", yet it remains on the primary legal record. Evidence does not require you to believe, it is self-evident. If someone wishes to contend evidence, it requires a substantial evidentiary basis to do so...  

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Skepticism is warranted if the Primary Evidence is repeatedly contending

Skepticism is warranted if the Primary Evidence is repeatedly contending

A rebuttal of "JFK Conspiracy theories at 50: How Skeptics Got It Wrong and Why It Matters" by David Reitzes

"To dispel the shock and confusion that ensued after accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was gunned down during an abortive police transfer by a strip club operator Jack Ruby, President Johnson convened a blue-ribbon panel composed of distinguished leaders from both the public and private sectors and consisting of both Democrats and Republicans."i  (David Reitzes)
Some critics and advocates of conspiracy offer even handed reports that address the evidence. Some in their reviews of opposing viewpoints offer little evidence and much hyperbole and condescension. Others merely seek to refute opposing arguments with unproven contentions. They overlook the evidence that hampers there favorite official declaration. The article discussed "reminds us that the job of a skeptic is to use critical properly assess the evidence, and to use our critical faculties to distinguish verifiable evidence from idle speculation." With that in mind, let us examine the evidence offered and the idle speculation...

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