JFK Lancer 2022 Conference Presentation
/Information provided by author Carmine Savastano with respect to his speech “Infamous yet unproven suspects and a viable but largely unknown one” as discussed at the JFK Lancer 2022 Conference. Included below are several links to related research and information relevant to his evidentiary inspection of three public figures in the Kennedy Assassination case.
QJWIN-1: Jose Marie Andre Mankel
Article: Who was QJWIN-1?
Evidence: QJWIN-1 Mary Ferrell Foundation Cryptonym Listing
WIROGUE-1: David Tzitzichvili
Articles: Who was WIROGUE-1?
Who was WIROGUE-1? part II
Evidence: AEASPIC Mary Ferrell Foundation Cryptonym Listing
WIROGUE-1 Mary Ferrell Foundation Cryptonym Listing
John Henry Hill
Article: The Man About Town