The Death and Times of a Gangster

The Death and Times of a Gangster

Many criminals associated with various organized crime families have been the enemies of American law enforcement since the early twentieth century. However, the Central Intelligence Agency contacted a small but notable minority of Mafia leaders and members for use in political assassinations. The target was Fidel Castro, the reasoning questionable, and the unintended flaws numerous. Some of the Castro Plots had multiple phases, each with different leaders and focus on vastly different methods. The only Mafia personality that was verifiably part of multiple plot phases was Filippo Sacco, better known as Johnny Roselli.

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RION: Manuel "Tony" Varona


The statement of Manuel "Tony" Varona recounts a meeting about Cuba between him and featured Mafia notable Meyer Lansky. The CIA quickly warns Varona to stay away from Lansky, to which Varona seemingly complies. Yet Lansky associate and Mafia leader Santo Trafficante later suggests Varona for use in the Castro Plots. #JFK #Evidence 

JFK Lancer NID 2016 Conference Presentation Evidence

Author Carmine Savastano's evidence regarding the subjects he discussed at the JFK Lancer 2016 Conference. For all those who could not attend the conference we invite you to review the newly added Oswald Timeline Myth.   

Myths and Legends in the JFK Case:
Myth 1: The Castro Tapes
Legend 1: Guy Banister had no connection to the CIA
Myth 2: The Walker Allegations
Legend 2: The Rafael Cruz Story
Myth 3: The Oswald Timeline Myth 

RION: John Edgar Hoover


The legal statement of Former Assistant Director of the FBI William Sullivan regards the internal actions and vendettas of J. Edgar Hoover against the CIA and Warren Commission.  They include leaking secret or embarrassing CIA information and then promoting disinformation to blame other officials, and seeking to prevent the Warren Commission's investigation from deviating from his prejudgment of Oswald's guilt. #JFK #Evidence 

P.O. Box Questions

P.O. Box Questions

Post Office Box 2915 in Dallas Texas is the subject of contentious debate. Its history and various owners have attracted the attention of government informants, employees, and the public for years. Officials contend that evidence implicates its most famous prior owner Lee Harvey Oswald of receiving the alleged murder weapon. Several researchers contend that postal irregularities ranging from a lack of proper stamps, markings, and processing are missing from official exhibits rendering them allegedly unreliable.  If Oswald did verifiably receive the weapons, it supports official contentions. If he did not verifiably receive the alleged rifle and pistol under the alias Alec Hidell, a piece of the case against him falters under the lack of evidence...

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Down and Out in Mexico City

Down and Out in Mexico City

Lee Harvey Oswald's Mexico City travels present many official and public allegations and little conclusive verified evidence. A few have presented evolving ideas and some have chosen to believe former assertions despite the problematic evidence. Certain assertions have sought to make definite claims regarding Oswald without the necessary definite proof... 

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RION: Clay L. Shaw

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Two documents for your review, the first a report on the various CIA business contacts with Clay Shaw. The second FBI document while not supporting the evolving stories attached to the Clay Bertrand pseudonym, does offer that two unnamed and likely unreported FBI informants claimed Clay Bertrand was Clay Shaw.#JFK #Evidence 

RION: George de Mohrenschildt


A document verifying the Central Intelligence Agency utilized George de Mohrenschildt's second wife and brother. Officials note in the document that the de Mohrenschildts claim to be the only couple who associated with both the Oswalds and the Kennedys. #JFK #Evidence 

The Walker Allegations

Ignored and contending evidence, witness discrepancies, press rumors, and a victim with a militant agenda.  After reviewing additional evidence several factors render the current official version of the Walker allegations feasibly improbable. #JFK #Evidence 

CIA Projects update

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Four newly documented CIA projects for your review. Projects Butane, Cellotex-1, and Cellotex-2, each of these projects targeted members of the media for revealing classified information. Additionally, the CIA's Office of Security targeted dissident groups considered a threat to Agency employees and operations codenamed Project Merrimac. Each in the Agency's own words are "probable violations of the Agency's charter." #JFK #CIA 

The Imprisoned Defector

The Imprisoned Defector

Hearty alpine thistles were in bloom in the rural lanes outside Geneva, Switzerland in the summer of 1962. Just beyond this scenic atmosphere "KGB officer Yuriy Ivanovich Nosenko contacted the CIA...Over the course of five meetings he provided sufficient information to enable the two officers from CIA's Soviet Russia establish that he was a bona fide source. The major information furnished by him at that time was the identification of a US code technician who had been recruited by the KGB, and the identification of the location of KGB microphones in the US Embassy in Moscow, 52 of which were later found." Nosenko's eventual defection and the drastic shift in his treatment would lead to years of solitary imprisonment...

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Pseudonyms update

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Three new pseudonyms for your review, the first Bronson Tweedy the first CIA Africa division leader questioned about discussing the possible assassination of Congolese leader Patrice LaMumba. The second is the false name of a former DGI (Cuban Intelligence) Chief of Uraguay, and the final name is a Chinese ally of the anti-Communist Cuban group the Unidad Revolucionaria.  #JFK #CIA #DGI 

CIA Security Files update

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Three new CIA Security Files are offered for your inspection. The file of Richard Snyder, American consul and CIA operative, he spoke with Lee Harvey Oswald at the American Embassy during his Russian defection. Additionally, the files of two men among the handful with direct knowledge of the CIA Castro plots Edward Morgan and James O'Connell. ‪All these documents have been added to the Consolidated CIA Files. #‎CIA‬ ‪#‎JFK‬ 

Assertions of Association

Assertions of Association

An enduring yet presently unproven claim is the assertion that Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby knew each other. Magician and ventriloquist Bill DeMar propagated among the first known assertions regarding connections between Oswald and Ruby. The Federal Bureau of Investigation interviewed DeMar and presented a photograph of Oswald, DeMar "said he believes this is the man he saw seated among the patrons of the Carousel Club 'one night last week'. DeMar advises he works seven nights each week and, therefore, is unable from his recollection to determine which particular night of the week he observed Oswald..."i  DeMar's hazy recollections do not make for a compelling start...

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