CIA Fitness Reports update

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A collection of CIA Fitness Reports with most regarding the years 1963-1964, each reveals some personal information and employee assignments. Among those featured are David Atlee Phillips, George Joannides, E. Howard Hunt, Anne Goodpasture, Boris Tarasoff, and Thomas Keenan. Agency Fitness Reports have been absorbed with hundreds of similar documents into the Consolidated CIA Files section and you can now access them within its resources.

Evidence and the Big Easy II

Evidence and the Big Easy II

The City of New Orleans is attributed a unique place in the Kennedy assassination case. Divergent historical claims rest amid the city's swirling convoluted history. New Orleans housed various federal, state, and local offices that had many connections to locally operating Cuban exiles. The Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE) is just one of multiple exile groups the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) supported with tens of thousands of dollars monthly. Such organizations had dozens of members that performed covert and often illegal programs nationally... 

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Cuban Relations

Cuban Relations

In the Central Intelligence Agency files regarding Cuba under the Batista regime, Fidel Castro "manages to get himself involved in many things that do not concern him." "Beginning in 1948, the activities of Fidel Castro came to be of increasing concern to the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Government (USG)." Despite the allegations of some officials, no direct link to Communism was established in Castro's history until after hostilities with the United States. "In fact, Agency support for the peaceful transfer of power from Batista to a democratically elected successor and amnesty for Castro and his followers...was proposed in a memorandum from the Inspector General in November 1957...

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The Curse of Cock Robin

The Curse of Cock Robin

The tale of Cock Robin emerges from within the history of European folklore. A nursery rhyme mourns a heroic figure felled by an unlikely lone sparrow. Some assert it regards the political demise of an English politician and his government. Others have claimed it was a modern version of the Norse tale of the god Baldur's death at the hands of a blind sibling, and some note a resemblance to a Celtic hero murdered by an improbable assassin. The moniker was quietly affixed to John F. Kennedy in a private meeting of the President's Commission... 

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The LBJ Myths

The LBJ Myths

Feasibly second only to Lee Harvey Oswald, another person is asserted by some to be responsible for the death of President Kennedy. Some accuse President Lyndon Baines Johnson, based upon similar unproven hypotheses. They claim he is who most benefitted from the President's death; however, that is not true. Others did benefit more; for instance, J. Edgar Hoover received a lifetime appointment to the FBI's directorship from President Johnson. Johnson gained a looming shadow of accusation that has endured over five decades. His troubled one-term presidency is a paltry reward for such claimed actions...

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Primary Evidence Collections Update

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The CIA Security Files of Agency counterintelligence agent Balmes Hidalgo, CIA intelligence agent E. Howard Hunt, and Mafia connected assassin Jack Ruby. Agency Security Files have been absorbed into the Consolidated CIA Files section and can be accessed within its resources.

A Brief History of Executive Action

A Brief History of Executive Action

The term Executive Action refers to words in formerly suppressed documents that promote the assassination of enemy leaders. Political assassination by no means is a modern development or a singularly American crime. Many officials had no reason to suspect that formerly private documents would become public knowledge. Despite the clandestine operations, suppression of facts, and verifiable destruction of documents, a substantial body of evidence remains...

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Mythical Specters

Mythical Specters

Perhaps no other alleged criminal rests mired amid such controversy as Lee Harvey Oswald and many facts despite their proven basis in evidence remain contended decades later. Allegations swirl often concealing the verifiable details regarding Oswald and some dismiss all primary evidence in favor of popular speculation. Yet unproven allegations from either side of the case are not compelling and deeper inspection may offer greater clarity...  

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