A Public Review of the Secret Service

A Public Review of the Secret Service

The Secret Service of the United States is shrouded in legend and discerning its past often involves separating the untenable claims of officials and detractors. Many officials and critics of conspiracy seek to mold these men as unimpeachable. Conversely, some conspiracy advocates have often predetermined most had a nefarious role in President Kennedy's death. Unconsidered by these groups are incompetence and repeated disregard of protocols. Yet it does not require elevating or denouncing these men based on speculation, the primary evidence offers insights that speculations cannot...

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Another photographic claim that Fails to prove its assertions

Another photographic claim that Fails to prove its assertions

A rebuttal of "An End to Conspiracy? Rare Photo of Lee Harvey Oswald Suggests Why he's guilty" by Gary Mack, Time Magazine

As the curator of the Sixth Floor Museum, Gary Mack holds a role in overseeing exhibits offered for the public. However, Mack's feasible desire to use a photograph to assert improbable associations render his opinions untenable. Mack attributes in my view more importance to this photograph than reasonable. Some who advocate conspiracy have their favorite self-determined important picture. Each hypothesis is championed by unverified claims... 

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Speculations that fail to consider Primary Evidence remain in Doubt

Speculations that fail to consider Primary Evidence remain in Doubt

A rebuttal of "Face it: Oswald did it" by the Economist Magazine

The Economist is long respected and noteworthy publication about financial matters. I have read their articles and many are of high quality and supported by evidence and expert assessment. Yet this article in my view diverges from their usual standards. Seemingly, financial acumen does not translate to reasonable inquiry. Based upon substantial evidence their judgement is precipitous...

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While Assassination Conspiracy is feasible, it assigns Oswald some guilt

While Assassination Conspiracy is feasible, it assigns Oswald some guilt

A Rebuttal of the Oswald Innocence Campaign Member's Statement and its unproven claims.

The Oswald Innocence Campaign members base a grand claim by interpreting a single photograph and despite the people who have leant their name to such a cause, they lack supporting primary evidence. Seemingly, no room for contrary evidence and considerations is left and unless those who support this idea allow contrary views of evidence, this remains merely speculation. They have attached too much importance upon too little proof...

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The Conflicting motivations of Jack Ruby

The Conflicting motivations of Jack Ruby

A rebuttal of the article "Did he Do it for Jackie?" by John McAdams, an  essay based heavily on newsgroup posts by Jean Davison and Dave Reitzes

McAdams criticism is sometimes warranted and some of his ideas are sound and reasonable, yet instead of just attacking faulty ideas, he often resorts to personal insults and for examples see his "Wacky at Wechtfest" series of online posts. In his defense of the official story, McAdams has overlooked relevant details and evidence...

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Not all the facts lead to Oswald

Not all the facts lead to Oswald

"Here, everything pointed toward Oswald's guilt. All the physical evidence, all the scientific evidence. Everything he said, everything he did...Only in a fantasy world can you have 53 pieces of evidence pointing toward guilt and still be innocent." (Vincent Bugliosi)
His first assertion is incorrect. Not all the physical and scientific evidence clearly incriminates Oswald. All the original medical evidence at Parkland hospital disputes the later determinations of the President's (Warren) Commission.i This implies a separate gunman to account for some original wounds, not Oswald. Some important pieces of physical and scientific evidence are contradictory...

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Political Assassination and the Unsigned Murder Guide

Political Assassination and the Unsigned Murder Guide

Some deny that past American government leaders considered assassination to complete foreign policy goals. However, these files offer that assassination is part of the business and has been throughout modern American history. Even as we ponder questions about the possible unconstitutional use of drone strikes, some believe the assassination of leaders and citizens is a recent development. These specific plots were born during in the Eisenhower administration...  

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The CIA, a Russian defector, and the Communist conspiracy that likely never was

The CIA, a Russian defector, and the Communist conspiracy that likely never was

For decades, the United States government contended there was no Communist or domestic plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. However not all in government agreed, some would allow the repeated breach of law to conceal their involvement for the "implications". While some may enjoy reciting the findings of the President's "Warren" Commission, the following information is intentionally absent. Commission documents are definitely not the complete story...

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Reasonable doubts about Lee Harvey Oswald

Reasonable doubts about Lee Harvey Oswald

How can Lone Gunman theorists accept Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt so easily without regarding all the original facts and evidence? Some do not consider the many official mistakes and breaches of legal procedure and other critical writers appear selective in their criticism. Yet we agree at least that Oswald was involved in a murderous plot, yet the true issue is whether he alone killed President Kennedy...

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