2017 Lancer NID Conference Presentation Evidence
/Offered below is the evidence regarding subjects Carmine Savastano discussed at the JFK Lancer 2017 NID Conference. Subjects included myths regarding Joseph Milteer, Tosh Plumlee, E. Howard Hunt, Judyth Vary Baker, Hugh Aynesworth, and Priscilla McMillan Johnson.
Myths and Misses in the JFK Case:
Myth 1: Joseph Milteer and a Plaza Full of Mirrors
Myth 2: Tosh Plumlee and the Abort Team Story
Myth 3: Where was E. Howard Hunt?
Myth 4: Judyth Baker and The Castro Coffee Story
Myth 5: Hugh Aynesworth and the CIA
Myth 6: The CIA connection to Priscilla McMillan Johnson