Who was QJWIN-1?
/CIA Agent Jose ManKEL AKA QJWIN-1
Obscured within the shadows of modern history is the true name of one of the Central Intelligence Agency's most concealed assets. QJWIN-1 is the cryptonym assigned to this unknown figure who operated for years abroad prior to nineteen sixty-four. My first documentary observation of him began in a large trove of cryptonyms buried in a many paged document that was in no particular order. I was startled to find he was the very first entry and that QJ-WIN's name is Jose (Josesay) Marie Andre Mankel.i ii Multiple primary documents confirm this including his contract, contract extension, biography file, and Select Committee listings in various cryptonym lists. He was born in Luxembourg October 1st, 1917 and came to the notice of the Central Intelligence Agency during the nineteen fifties. Mankel in association with CIA operations utilized the false identities of businessperson John J. Berger and German salesperson Jacques Berger.iii iv The John J. Berger identity provided him with John Berger Incorporated, a retail store within New York. Using this front company likely was part the backstopping undertaken by the Agency and established Jose in the United States during the late 1950s.
QJWIN-1 in a different related CIA file is described in detail with an accompanying photograph from 1957 as “42 years old” but appeared a bit older. It states Mankel was "6 ft. 1 in. thin build, hair dark brown, large ears...above left eyebrow is a permanent lump...large enough that it cannot be overlooked; walks with head and shoulders bent slightly forward; speaks German and French fluently and can pass as a native of France; on a scale of excellent...his English is rated good. If English is used with him, it should be spoken slowly and distinctly, choosing words which leave no doubt as to what is meant." However, the Agency was not candid with even him. "In view of the extreme sensitivity of the objective for which we want him to perform his task, he was not told precisely what we want him to do. Instead, he was told we have evidence of Soviet operations among nationality groups in Africa...we would like to have him spot, assess, and recommend some dependable, quick witted persons for our use. (Comment: It was thought best to withhold our true, specific requirements pending the final decision to use MANKEL.) He agreed to go on the trip for us."v
some US officials proposed assassinating Patrice LUmumba
Official papers from nineteen sixty related to Project ZRRIFLE, the CIA’s operational code name to establish assassination capabilities, regard Agency officer William Harvey using Mankel without the knowledge of other Agency officers using QJWIN-1. It states “Agency officers who were handling QJWIN in Europe were certainly unaware of the fact he was being considered as an asset by the senior Agency official”.vi Harvey is related to multiple plots seeking to remove foreign enemy officials such as Fidel Castro. Specifically, Mankel was considered for active use peripherally in one of many proposed plots against Castro during 1961. Mankel was noted to possess knowledge and contacts with desired criminal groups and suggested portraying a German sales representative for the Africa operation. The document concludes noting that all files, photographs, and identifying notes about QJWIN-1 and future operations should be destroyed.vii Amid March of nineteen sixty-one Congolese leader and CIA opponent Patrice Lumumba is assassinated and several related files suggest officials desired to potentially eliminate him by using criminals spotted by or akin to Mankel. However this was never undertaken because Lumumba was captured by his political enemies.
The Agency contract with Mankel states, "The United States Government, as represented by the Contracting Officer, hereby contracts with you as an independent contractor for the submission of certain information and related services of a confidential nature under the following terms." Thus the United States Government, namely the Central Intelligence Agency, contracted Mankel multiple times and provided reimbursement for travel costs, operational expenses, and compensated him. "If necessary to protect the security of this arrangement, monies due you here under may be funded in other than a direct manner" feasibly by using covert means or front businesses and organizations. QJWIN-1’s contract was reapproved in nineteen sixty-one and he received a contract extension in the course of March of nineteen sixty-two..viii
William K. Harvey managed ZRRIFLE related Activities
A further Agency file regarding Mankel offers, “For the purpose of ZRRIFLE activities, you are hereby authorized to retain the services of principal agent QJWIN and such other principal agents and sub-agents as may be required”. Related officials extended his authorization until December 31, 1963 but QJWIN-1 is abroad during that period and not present amidst President Kennedy’s assassination. Jose failed to complete his assignment to official satisfaction by failing to spot many sabotage candidates despite years of operational support. During June of nineteen sixty-three the documents mention he was largely shelved for use and some officials believed Mankel was manipulating them for funds. They state “Whether he ever really intended to commit himself to this assignment remains a question...QJWIN’s personal history reflects major instability and the habit of hedging his bets is undoubtedly part of his character.”ix Mankel was terminated by the CIA during April of nineteen sixty-four.
We can now state the true identity of QJWIN-1 and his years of employment by the Central Intelligence Agency prior to the death of John F. Kennedy. We can prove the Agency had plans related to international assassinations and sabotage but it was unwilling to initially share this knowledge with Mankel himself. His appearance and sensitive operations shortly prior to one assassination may indicate Jose Mankel’s participation in others. However, QJWIN-1 is no longer crouched within the shadows but illuminated by the official record itself.
C.A.A. Savastano
i. House Select Committee on Assassinations, Segregated CIA Files, Box 9, List of Names Regarding the Kennedy Assassination, February 15, 1978, National Archives and Records Administration Identification Number: 104-10061-10115
ii. HSCA, Segregated CIA Files, Microfilm Reel 20: ZRRIFLE, AMMUG, QJWIN Contract, February 28, 1961, NARA ID: 104-10185-10409
iii. HSCA, Seg. CIA Files, Urgent HSCA Request for do file search on Mankel, Andrie (sic) Alias Jacques Berger, April 4, 1978, NARA ID: 104-10079-10112
iv. HSCA Seg. CIA Files, NOTE: JFK Board 14 October Meeting – Results, Name Information Sheet, October 8, 1997, p. 2, NARA ID: 104-10331-10194
v. HSCA, Seg. CIA Files, Dispatch: Description and Photograph of Jose Marie Andre Mankel, October 7, 1960, p. 1, NARA ID: 104-10185-10015
vi. HSCA, Seg. CIA Files, Microfilm Reel 14, Folder L – QJWIN ZRRIFLE., QJWIN, p. 5, NARA ID: 1994.04.06.10:53:49:400005
vii. HSCA, Seg. CIA Files, Microfilm Reel 20, ZRRIFLE, AMMUG, p. 3
viii. HSCA, Segregated CIA Files, Memorandum: Contract Extension for Jose Marie Andre Mankel, March 1, 1962, p. 1-2, NARA ID: 104-10185-10422
ix. Central Intelligence Agency file, LA Division Work File, Review of ZRRIFLE File, October 1976, NARA ID: 104-10308-10287
Edited: July 2023
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