Balancing Safety and Reason

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Historian Mike Swanson and Author C.A.A. Savastano discuss the ongoing conflicts between public safety and civil rights as fifty state governments take a varying approach to reopening. As pandemic statistics decline or stabilize in many areas reasonable questions emerge about the future. Among the topics are the corporate wealth extraction authored by all members of the US Congress, capitalism vs corporatism, policies that appear designed to surveil the public in the name of safety, and why America presently needs Trustbusters and economic New Dealers.

The Wintry Gales of Reason

The Wintry Gales of Reason

A Rebuttal of "In The Blossom of Our Sins" by Charles R. Drago

"Half a century passes, yet our focus remains not on the moon but on the finger pointing to it.  As the 50th anniversary of the Dallas operation loomed, petitions were being signed to convince the praetorian guard of John F. Kennedy's killers to stand down and allow the truth to be spoken and justice to be pursued during the official observance of the assassination scheduled to be staged - and I do mean "staged" the appointed hour, the black mass was celebrated. Cracked bells tolled, crocodile tears flowed, deceit-driven litanies were regurgitated, truth and justice banished, and sheets of foolscap bearing the name of self-anointed warrior petitioners were cut into small, uniform squares with which the conspiracy's contemporary Facilitators would wipe their..." (Charles R. Drago)i
Some who represent the opposing sides debating conspiracy have seemingly forgone reasonable debate. Many remain skeptical and willing to discuss the contending evidence, others have made their decision. They do not feasibly consider most verifiable facts to deduce probable outcomes because they cannot imagine primary evidence could refute their current ideas and this has left many on the losing side of history. While I agree that a feasible assassination conspiracy occurred, the "Dallas Operation" is not conclusively proven. Drago's lengthy diatribe regarding his feelings about the official event subsequently held in Dealey Plaza, is irrelevant and biased and his confrontational and pseudo-revolutionary prose is unnecessary and counterproductive to actual discussion. Critics and advocates have personally insulted me for my contentions based on evidence they do not "believe", yet it remains on the primary legal record. Evidence does not require you to believe, it is self-evident. If someone wishes to contend evidence, it requires a substantial evidentiary basis to do so...  

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