Comparing physical alteration claims and verified Evidence Destruction

Historian Mike Swanson stops by the Ochelli Effect to discuss past claims of body alteration that persist despite most evidence. Researcher C.A.A. Savastano offers updates regarding his prior discovery of massive evidence destruction by an element of the Department of Defense. Chuck Ochelli and his guests further discuss upcoming new evidence and additional found damage to the evidentiary record by related officials.

C.A.A. Savastano returns to The Ochelli Effect

Join authors Mike Swanson and Carmine Savastano as they discuss this year’s ongoing 2022 JFK Lancer Conference, Savastano’s presentation, and items of interest regarding the case. In the second hour Chuck and historian Larry Hancock chat about his upcoming Lancer presentation and the subjects related to the case as well.

Balancing Safety and Reason

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Historian Mike Swanson and Author C.A.A. Savastano discuss the ongoing conflicts between public safety and civil rights as fifty state governments take a varying approach to reopening. As pandemic statistics decline or stabilize in many areas reasonable questions emerge about the future. Among the topics are the corporate wealth extraction authored by all members of the US Congress, capitalism vs corporatism, policies that appear designed to surveil the public in the name of safety, and why America presently needs Trustbusters and economic New Dealers.

Non-fiction Double Feature

Non-fiction Double Feature

The Wall Street Window Podcast presents a discussion of the new book “Human Time Bomb: The Violence Within Our Nature” joined by its author Carmine Savastano. Mike Swanson and Savastano discuss the growing societal issues of aggression, violence, and lacking coping skills in the face of gradual evolutions in biology and increasingly faster advancements in technology.

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Wall Street Window Podcast goes "Undercover"

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Join your host Mike Swanson and author C.A.A. Savastano to discuss a spy training film directed by Hollywood notable John Ford and created by the US Office of Strategic Services that provided some necessary guidance to future agents.

Our Thanks to JFK Facts

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We appreciate Jefferson Morley and everyone at JFK Facts for their coverage of a recent episode of The Past American Century podcast. It features Chuck Ochelli and C.A.A. Savastano discussing the enduring relevance of political assassination and divisive politics.

A New Interview w/ C.A.A. Savastano on History and Intelligence Operations

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A new interview with author C.A.A. Savastano on a wide range of intelligence figures and those connected to political assassination cases.
Midnight Writer News: C.A.A. Savastano returns to discuss five notable figures in the JFK case with your host S.T. Patrick. Tune in to hear the tangled, nefarious, and unlikely allegations that surround certain figures in the case.