September 29 and The Blond Man

September 29 and The Blond Man

The Wall Street Window Podcast returns! Join your host Mike Swanson and his guest Carmine Savastano as they review new information regarding the JFK assassination timeline and a KGB figure that was suppressed by officials likely due to the questions his behavior and statements created.

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September 29th and Another Man in Mexico City

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Join historian Larry Hancock, author Carmine Savastano, and your host Chuck Ochelli as they discuss new research, evidence, and KGB officer Nikolai Leonov who has offered a dramatic story involving Lee Harvey Oswald, a gun, and the Soviet Embassy on a day the CIA lacked photo coverage. The same KGB officer additionally closely resembles the description of a yet unknown figure that seemingly caused Oswald enough trouble to prevent him from traveling and could have resulted in his arrest.

The DGI Revealed

The DGI Revealed

Join historian Mike Swanson and author C.A.A. Savastano to discuss the operations, membership, and origins of the Cuban DGI intelligence group. Documents and discussion reveal the undertakings of this assumed minor group revealed in declassified documents to be more prominent that some expect.

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Offered for your review is a recent addition of the Primary Evidence Collections that features new research, evidence, and extensive information about the Cuban General Directorate of Intelligence. It presents the historical structure, leadership, relevant documents, and useful resources to support additional public research.

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Pseudonym and Alias update

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Two new pseudonyms and one alias revealed for your inspection. The pseudonym Oliver Altman belongs to Justin O' Donnell a CIA employee sent to the Congo shortly before the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Cuban Intelligence officer and Cuban Consul Alfredo Mirabal Diaz used the second pseudonym Federico in some communications and CIA analyst Leo Cherne used the alias (his former legal name) Leopold Chernetsky. #CIA #Evidence 

Pseudonyms update

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Three new pseudonyms for your review, the first Bronson Tweedy the first CIA Africa division leader questioned about discussing the possible assassination of Congolese leader Patrice LaMumba. The second is the false name of a former DGI (Cuban Intelligence) Chief of Uraguay, and the final name is a Chinese ally of the anti-Communist Cuban group the Unidad Revolucionaria.  #JFK #CIA #DGI