Confusion and diverging accusations have long accompanied a series of assertions that allege a French or Corsican gunman killed President Kennedy, but the “French Connection” idea lacks certain necessary facts to demonstrate the associated claims. Many related ideas begin with three names, Jean Rene Souetre, Michel Victor Mertz, and Michel Roux but now add to the normal confusion that assertedly Souetre and Mertz both used each other's name as their alias. Souetre also used the name Michael (Michel) Roux which led to some author's and members of the public claiming these men were responsible, yet what does the evidence reveal and how certain are these allegations?
Terrorist Jean RENE SOuETRE
October 15, 1930 Jean Rene Souetre was born in the Gironde region of southwest France; he is French and not Corsican. The Corsican background often attributed to him was one stated as desirable in the Central Intelligence Agency ZRRIFLE documents for possible assassin candidates. In nineteen fifty-three, he was a captain in the French Air Force serving near Rheims and Souetre is reportedly associated with US Army Captain Dr. Lawrence Alderson. Souetre was stationed in Morocco from nineteen fifty-five until nineteen fifty-nine, was the commanding officer of a notable parachute group, and he gained two prestigious medals for his time in the French Air Force.
During nineteen sixty one Souetre deserted his military post to join a French anti-Communist and terrorist group, The Secret Army Organization (OAS). This French ultra-nationalist group sought to prevent Algerian independence and overthrow the government of Charles de Gaulle. Eventually French officials captured Souetre and sentenced him to imprisonment via a military tribunal in Algiers but in February nineteen sixty-two he and a large group of OAS members escaped from their detention camp. Amid nineteen sixty-three, Souetre was undertaking foreign affairs on behalf of the OAS and seeking to arrange operational supporti
In May of the same year, two members of the OAS made contact with US officials in Portugal to "Enlist the Cooperation of the United States for its anti-de Gaulle Activities". "The attempt was made by Captain Jean Rene Souetre...Souetre said that he foresaw the U.S. role as that of convincing other governments to cease suppressing OAS activities in their respective countries...Souetre explained that he travelled on various passports, one of them a U.S. passport...he stated that he had U.S. contacts who could arrange documentation."ii CIA officials refused the OAS requests and the Agency stated its own Western Hemisphere anti-Communist operations took precedence. The CIA was not seeking to divert resources for a fledgling group with little chance of success against an established ally. Souetre attempting to court US officials in Portugal states "...after de Gaulle, there would be only two choices in France: Communism and the OAS."iii He then offered a series of claims filled with bravado regarding the OAS and its belief that de Gaulle's national government was aiding the Communists to garner support. Souetre additionally states the OAS was attempting to penetrate the French army to build a counter force and the Agency seemingly dismissed Souetre's continued attempts to gain aid for the OAS.
Amidst late November, Souetre was reportedly "...expelled from the Fort Worth or Dallas 48 hours after the assassination. He was in Fort Worth on the morning of the 22 November and in Dallas in the afternoon." Thus, Souetre was not just reportedly in Dallas but also might have been expelled at Fort Worth, yet the document does not clarify instead offering he possibly was in Fort Worth that morning and Dallas in the afternoon, yet the assassination occurs at 12:30 pm. The document reveals no details about when he supposedly went to Dallas and his activities while there. If he was not immediately present in Dallas, armed, and in position within thirty minutes, it is unlikely he could effectively participate when the assassination occurred. Consider Souetre has no prior knowledge of the scene if he only went to Dallas that very afternoon he lacks time to establish a good firing position, no verifiable witness statements note him in Dealey Plaza, and his expulsion would have been far more likely be related to terrorist activities or illegal entry into the United States. Yet there is little evidence to support he actually was ever expelled per the claims in this file.
A portion of thE RelATED EXpulsion CLaim within OFFICIAL Documents offers Souetre MAde the Expulsion Claim to FRENCH Officials.
Souetre's Public Denial and other Unverified Claims of A French Connection
The related document states "...concerning subject stating that he had been expelled..."iv A check of official files does not support the related claim; no corroborating evidence was discovered to bolster the expulsion and thus it relies solely upon Souetre's assertion to the French government. Notable researcher and attorney Bernard Fensterwald regards the matter in his legal brief stating, "If, as the French believe, he was in Dallas..."but without this belief in Souetre's claim, there is no verifiable reason to support it.v Souetre later publicly denied any involvement with the assassination of President Kennedy but further made unverified claims to the National Enquirer which further muddied the
Researcher Gary Shaw claimed that Souetre's past associate Dr. Lawrence Alderson years later purported the FBI approached him and stated "Mr. Souetre either killed Kennedy or knew who did."vii Unfortunately, Alderson had already prior told the Bureau that he "Never knew him (Souetre) to be in the United States" and thus his legal statement contends his later private assertion.viii During an interview in nineteen eighty-one Souetre was quoted as stating that he and Michel Mertz prior served together in Algeria but he did not see Mertz after nineteen fifty-nine. Mertz reportedly according to Souetre also used the alias Jean Souetre in Dallas but no corroboration for these statements is offered beyond Souetre's repeated assertions.ix
Captain Souetre approaches US officials for aid
Souetre Discusses OAS Plans AFTER de Gaulle is Deposed.
Souetre Claims he was Expelled from the United States
Michel Victor Mertz similar to Souetre was reportedly another non-Corsican native of France despite some prior claims. He was enlisted within the German Army amid nineteen forty-one, and deserted two years later to assist leading the French Resistance. Following WWII, he joined the French Army and participated in counter-espionage operations and subsequently Mertz joined the External Documentation and Counterespionage Service (SDECE) a French government intelligence organization.x Notably the SDECE was an official enemy of terrorist groups that include the OAS and Mertz was dispatched abroad by the SDECE to penetrate and destroy terrorist associations like Souetre's group.xi Mertz reportedly was married to the daughter of a famous Paris bordello owner who introduced him to the French and Canadian underworld.
During nineteen sixty, Mertz was allegedly engaged in both espionage and large-scale narcotics smuggling and Fensterwald stated "Mertz was one of a great number of Frenchmen who had both SDECE and narcotics connections...In 1961, Mertz' profitable narcotics smuggling was interrupted when the SDECE ordered him back to France and then to Algeria to penetrate the OAS." He later gained intelligence that prevented a bomb attack against French President Charles de Gaulle and Mertz was later arrested for passing out OAS leaflets in Paris. This was likely to reinforce his false OAS support because he traveled to Canada from France with an officially provided ticket. Following his arrival, Mertz and his criminal cohorts within North America were able to smuggle tons of heroin across the Atlantic Ocean. Mertz according to Fensterwald has several criminal associates and was connected to a related drug operation in Florida led by Mafia leader Santo Trafficante. Yet there is no evidence Mertz like Souetre was in Texas during the time of the assassination beyond the claims of Souetre that he or Mertz was involved. A related document stated of Mertz that his "last whereabouts are unknown”.xii
The final name offered in connection with the Souetre and Mertz claims is Michel Roux. While Roux is an alias used by Souetre, it also was the name of a real person as well, Michel Roux allegedly was another deserter of the French Army similar to Souetre and Mertz. He was born August 31, 1940 in France and subsequently Roux became a room clerk at the Proust Hotel in October of nineteen sixty-three. While at work he befriended two tourists during their stay at the hotel named the Gachmans. Roux served as the Gachman brothers Paris guide and while he drove them around Michel confided serving in the role of Lieutenant for years within the French Army.xiii He like Souetre and Mertz served in Algeria but Roux claims he possessed an honorable discharge unlike others related to prior assassination claims. Roux told the brothers he wanted to operate a restaurant or hotel and during their conversations and Leon Gachman told Roux that good job prospects existed in Texas. Gachman extended an invitation to visit them in Fort Worth if Roux came to America, an invitation he would later accept.xiv
Michel Roux arrived in the United States on November 19, 1963, the verifiable evidence supports Roux has little time to prepare if he planned to assassinate someone. He boarded a plane in Orly, Paris and arrived in New York ironically on Air France Flight #007 and Roux's travel plans mark Houston to be his destination as prior suggested by Gachman.xv The evening of November 20, 1963 Roux attempts to reach the Gachmans by phone and fails. Some might suggest this is not Roux and instead was Souetre or Mertz using an alias; but would they schedule a social visit with possible witnesses? For what reason would a hidden assassin take additional chances to be spotted in the area by locals and destroy any chance of a false alibi? It seems quite unlikely if the purpose of the visit is a clandestine assassination. The next morning Leon Gachman contacted Roux and the latter takes a bus to Fort Worth to meet the Gachmans.
On the evening of November twenty-first Roux is picked up by Gachman to spend the evening with his entire family and this would confirm Roux is their former companion, and not someone impersonating him. Michel tells the Gachmans he seeks a hotel job to eventually send for his wife and child in France and later they drive him to the Fox Manor Hotel where Roux stays for the evening. The next morning Leon Gachman's son Arnold picks up Roux and they attend Arnold's college lectures until noon. Roux and Arnold go to a cafe for lunch where they learn of the attack on President Kennedy and subsequently return to the Gachman home, listen to the radio, and watch television to acquire further details. "The Gachmans stated that during Roux-s (sic) visit in Ft. Worth he was not involved in any matter with the local police or federal authorities and was almost constantly in their company."xvi Roux has an established alibi with multiple witnesses and was observed miles from the scene of the Kennedy assassination when it occurred. Michel Roux later immigrated with his family and became a citizen of the United States. Yet his private lifestyle and refusal to be interviewed might have added a nefarious specter to the claims regarding him and fed the speculations about a Corsican assassin.
While travel records do show a few people with the last names Roux and Mertz traveled days following the assassination, they do not match these men often associated with nefarious claims. Despite the speculations regarding a French connection, the only person substantial evidence verifies was near Dallas is Michel Roux. Yet Roux was never in Dallas, and without additional verifiable evidence there is no reason to support that Mertz or Souetre were either. This story evolves and is built on several similar features attributed to contending suspects but ultimately none of them is the viable assassin of President Kennedy based upon current evidence. While it is possible additional new verifiable evidence could emerge, the existing record suggests the French Connection story remains highly improbable.
i. Central Intelligence Agency, Miscellaneous Series, Letter: Because of your known interest in the Kennedy Assassination/Copy of "Project currently being undertaken by the amateurs", pp. 2-3
ii.House Select Committee on Assassinations, Federal Bureau of Investigation Subject file, S-T, Jean Souetre, No Title, July 12, 1963
iii. HSCA, Segregated CIA file, Info Report- Alleged plans of Secret Army Organization in Portugal for Post De Gaulle Takeover in France, Box 52, June 25, 1963
iv. CIA, Oswald 201 File, Volume 33, Jean Souetre's Expulsion from U.S., April 1, 1964, p. 2
v. CIA, Russ Holmes Work File, New Shaw/Allen FOIA Litigation, August 8, 1982
vi. National Enquirer Article, November 22, 1983, Subject Index, Harold Weisberg Archive,
vii. CIA, RHWF, Kennedy Assassination (I), Kaleidoscope program transcript, p. 14
viii. HSCA, Federal Bureau of Investigation Subject File, S-T, Jean Souetre, March 5, 1964, p. 2
ix. CIA, RHWF, Assorted Newspaper Clippings..., All the President's Triggermen, (n.d.)
x. CIA, RHWF, Shaw/Allen FOIA Litigation
xi. Pierre Demaret, "Target de Gaulle", MW Books, 1975, pp. 98-102
xii. CIA, RHWF, Shaw/Allen FOIA Litigation
xiii. HSCA, FBI Sub. File, Jean Souetre, No Title, March 11, 1964, pp. 1
xiv. Ibid, March 12, 1964, pp. 1-2
xv. Ibid, March 13, 1964, p. 1
xvi. Ibid, March 11, pp. 2, 3
Written: April 2017
Edited: July 2023
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