Samuel was born amid nineteen hundred and fifteen within the West Virginian city of Huntington. He was raised in West Virginia and attended multiple colleges before enrolling at West Point military academy amongst the nineteen thirties. Kail graduated from West Point during nineteen thirty nine, enlisted with the United States Army, and eventually served in the Korean War. He was employed by the CIA passing intelligence in the role of Army Attaché stationed at the Havana Embassy from nineteen fifty-eight until nineteen sixty-one. The political revolution led by Fidel Castro and growing Cuban intelligence (DGI) suspicions regarding all embassy staff in time forced him back to the United States.
Among Kail’s duties the next year was gathering military intelligence and he was subsequently transferred to Opa Locka processing center in Miami. He was assigned to interview newly arrived Cuban exiles but official documents reveal multiple people used Samuel’s identity when interviewing prospective sources of intelligence. He trained Agency personnel for the Office of Operations and retired from US military intelligence (G-2) amidst nineteen sixty-two. Samuel continued to perform assigned projects until nineteen sixty-six under covert military detail to the CIA and retired from the Army three years later. Kail amongst the nineteen seventies offered unconvincing testimony to the House Select Committee that he was unaware why his prior military unit was funded by the Agency.