JMWAVE Station Case Officer ROSS CROZIER
Ross was born during nineteen-twenty-two and in his youth was educated in the Illinois city of Dekalb. He enlisted with the United States Air Force amidst nineteen forty and supported its military counterintelligence efforts. Crozier became Chief of Section for the Caribbean Air Command’s political analysis efforts but as decade was ending he subsequently departed the Air Force. In the course of nineteen forty-nine Ross was a contract agent for the Agency and four years later was managing projects to infiltrate the Cuban Communist Party. Amid the same period he was granted clearance for use in the Agency’s Operation PBSUCCESS targeting Guatemala's political leadership. Amongst nineteen fifty-four Ross created a spy network inside the University of Havana given the cryptonym AMPHODARCH. He subsequently assisted several clandestine Agency projects in South American countries and Cuba.
In the course of nineteen fifty-eight Crozier was assisting Mexico City Station projects that further attacked Communist aligned targets. He was sent by Havana Station the same year to meet and gather intelligence on Fidel Castro and his revolutionary forces. Amidst nineteen sixty-one Ross was assigned to Miami Station and was a case officer for the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE). The DRE Cuban exile group was supported by the Agency to further anti-Castro operations that included propaganda, sabotage, and nearly any illegal project which reduced the Castro regime’s power. Crozier’s Agency contract was terminated in the fall of nineteen sixty-three following internal comments of overly emotional behavior. Related documents state he was employed by the US Postal Service a year after being dismissed by the CIA.
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