Robert was born amongst nineteen hundred and fifteen in the state of Georgia. He enlisted with the United States Navy and earned two degrees from Berkeley and George Washington University while serving during WWII. Wheeler amid nineteen forty-six gained the position of intelligence specialist with the US Department of War in Tokyo. The Central Intelligence Agency recruited him early the next decade to serve as a foreign intelligence officer. He was tasked with developing Far East clandestine elements for a period and eventually was sent to undertake projects in Cuba. Wheeler served under military cover in the Cuban city of Havana amongst nineteen fifty-three until his reassignment later that decade.
Agency File Photo of Robert p. Wheeler
By nineteen fifty-eight he led the Far East Division’s Foreign Intelligence Staff and one year later Robert was located at the Agency base within Japan’s capital. As nineteen sixty-four passed Wheeler remained the Deputy Chief of Tokyo Station and the following year later he led the Agency station in Hawaii’s capital. Amongst nineteen sixty-six he returned to CIA headquarters to evaluate covert action methods and trained agents in covert field tactics. The next decade Robert was a Clandestine Service non-official cover board member at headquarters and retired during nineteen seventy-three.