(From Top Left to RIght) The Assassination OF Julius Cesar, A HasHAsHHIN (MidEAST Assassins) Ceremony, US President James Garfield’s Assassination, (Bottom Left to Right) The Serbian Black Hand Society, John Wilkes Booth the Assassin of US President Abraham Lincoln, THe Assassination of US President William McKinley.
A collection of official documents, research, and media associated with the political assassination of significant historical figures. Inspection reveals intelligence agencies, paramilitary groups, and criminal organization have been utilized in repeated efforts to assassinate notable targets.
JFK Investigation Files: A collection of primary documents regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
MLK Investigation Files: A collection of primary documents regarding the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King.
RFK Investigation Files: A collection of primary documents regarding the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
Other Notable Assassination Plots: A collection of documents and media regarding the assassination of foreign political leaders.