Martin Luther King, his family, and closest friends were subject to repeated violence and intimidation from several American government officials. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Memphis Police’s aggressive tactics against the Civil Rights Movement are revealed in official documents. Repeated years of invasive surveillance recorded Dr. King’s private meetings and Bureau officials even targeted King with a plot to induce his suicide. Congressional findings and evidence infer a possible conspiracy related to the death of Dr. King and his family eventually proved in a US civil court that a likely conspiracy occurred. Yet the American media largely overlooked it and most I the public have never heard of the trial or its findings. Only a single allegedly drunken eyewitness is the key to the official case and James Earl Ray’s guilt relies more on his former plea than evidence.
The Second Lone Gunman Theory: The United States government despite similar complex prior events incredibly declared a second lone gunman in Memphis. James Earl Ray alone was blamed for the death of Dr. King but he was even less qualified than alleged Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. Yet again evidence, witness testimony, and official mistakes infer a possible conspiracy and these many facts largely refute the claims of another lone gunman. Among the several issues that supports a conspiracy was a radio transmission that misled Memphis Police and helped Ray escape the crime scene.
The Mafia Theory: While the murder of John F. Kennedy seemingly offered direct benefits to some Underworld leaders, Dr. King was far different and his assassination did not aid the Mafia. King never turned the powers of his coalition against organized crime as Kennedy did and had no verified association with criminal figures. The Mafia Theory emerged from local speculations without verified primary evidence and seem based on a small minority of related witness claims.
Billy Kyles: Billy Kyles was a minor participant in the events peripheral to Dr. King's ambush and in the years since has consistently supported the statements of Jesse Jackson regarding that day. However, based on official reports and other eyewitness statements some of these claims are questionable because evidence does not support them. Kyles asserts he was talking with Dr. King just before the assassination but Memphis Police documents do not agree. His “misstatements” feasibly appear to be an effort to inflate his and Jackson’s role in the day’s events and cloud the proven record.
Jesse Jackson: Another more recent member of Dr. King’s organization in that period was the later Reverend Jesse Jackson and he offered claims similar to Billy Kyles. Jackson has provided a documented changing narrative of these events in media and official statements that blur the evidentiary record. Official documents place him far away from Dr. King’s side during the assassination and based on the official record Jackson’s account changes over time. Jackson seems determined to expand his importance among his contemporaries and even attempts to later change his location at the scene.
Related Evidence:
MLK Investigation Files: A collection of primary documents regarding the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King.