Two Princes And A King reviews the President's (Warren) Commission investigation files and includes official discussions of possible conspiracy and their private views. Most investigators never expected these ideas to reach the American public and evidence reveals other legally documented figures were possibly involved in these events. Official sources imply someone was attempting to entrap Lee Harvey Oswald and subsequent research proves Oswald had less than thirty hours without rifle practice to complete everything alleged based on the government’s evidence.
The Communist Oswald: One component in many debates against conspiracy is the idea that no possibility exists of domestic influences participating in the assassination of President Kennedy. Subsequently official critics have allowed that if a conspiracy existed it was a Communist one and yet this idea has repeatedly been refuted by most officially and public modern investigations.
The Lone Gunman Theory: Critics and officials claim that no one but Lee Harvey Oswald murdered both a United States President and Dallas Police officer within the span of hours. They ignore several of the various inherent flaws amongst the numerous subsequent government investigations. The Gunman Theory claims dismiss large amount of evidence and proven schemes conducted by the CIA, FBI, and multiple US executive leaders. The evidence and scientific testing provide Lee Harvey Oswald with reasonable doubts and having been denied a trial he retains the legal presumption of evidence.
The Single Bullet Theory: This is a highly questionable idea requires many stipulations that deviate from a significant portion of the physical and medical evidence at the crime scene. It hinges upon Oswald’s lone guilt that ignores he is without the time, practice, nor position to make the killing shots. It relies on a largely undamaged bullet to account for a majority of the wounds President Kennedy and Governor Connally suffered amidst the attack in Dallas. While the idea is not impossible as some claim, it is highly improbable and similar to Oswald's guilt has never been proven beyond reasonable doubts. Secret Service agent Paul Landis has stated the magic bullet was not originally on Connally’s stretcher but present at the scene and he moved it to Parkland Hospital following the assassination.
James Files: He claims to be the gunman at the Grassy Knoll but his assertion contains distinct problems since most evidence does not support a Grassy Knoll shot that hit President Kennedy. Files’ story relies on the viewer’s ignorance of the Dallas newspapers appearing before President Kennedy’s murder. Reviewing these ideas clarifies that James Files has a poor memory or alleged intention might color his story and claim of a false “secret route change” in the Kennedy motorcade. The assertions of James Files ignore FBI surveillance abroad of people he stated met in Dallas and offer many inconsistencies that render his purported involvement untenable.
Judyth Baker: She purports to have been the secret lover and companion of Lee Harvey Oswald for a few months in New Orleans. Baker does have some of the circumstances of Oswald’s life correct but that does not mean she ever met or interacted with the man himself. In reviewing this case many have found nearly every piece of information regarding the alleged sniper and yet there is no mention of her in the legal record. These repeatedly offered evolving ideas are based solely upon Baker’s efforts and substantial verified evidence disputes them.
Related Evidence
JFK Investigation Files: A collection of primary documents regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy