Amongst nineteen twenty Henry Lopez was born and he joined the US Army’s Medical Corps in the course of the early nineteen forties. He was a politically active Harvard educated lawyer and possessed several connections to leftist groups. Amid the nineteen fifties he participated in several US political organizations and was an unsuccessful Secretary of State candidate in California. The CIA hired Lopez during nineteen fifty-nine and one year later he was gathering foreign intelligence within Cuba as a tourist seeking to invest in local businesses. He subsequently was assessing the most viable Cuban exile groups for Agency operational use. Following a thorough review of the gathered candidate groups Lopez informed the Agency there was little chance of unity among the disparate factions.
Henry LOpez Before His Military Service
He was reassigned in the course of nineteen sixty-one to Mexico City Station and was a supporting agent for Operation AMPATROL. Lopez remained in Mexico years later performing anti-Cuban operations, recruitment assessments, and creating media propaganda. His wife's quickly deteriorating health forced their relocation to the United States as nineteen sixty-six passed. The next year Lopez was relocated to New York and undertaking political warfare research while producing anti-Communist propaganda. Among nineteen sixty-eight he aided Madrid Station from the US but Lopez refused to undertake a project abroad and was fired the same year.
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Edward G. Tichborn