JMWAVE Station Case Officer Emilio RODRIGUEZ
Emilio was born amid nineteen twenty eight and hailed from the capital of Cuba. He grew up in Havana but sought a better life in the United States and became a naturalized in nineteen forty-nine. He enrolled at Tulane University during nineteen forty-five, eventually spoke four languages with varying proficiency, and graduated with multiple degrees by nineteen fifty-four. Rodriguez subsequently returned to Cuba seeking to make his fortune and was hired by a local firm and became general manager of its sales office until the end of the decade. Amid nineteen fifty-eight he was a source for the Central Intelligence Agency and officials assigned him the cryptonym AMIRE-1.
Rodriguez was considered for stay behind operations if Castro’s revolution was successful and two years later he was recruited by the Agency under commercial cover. He undertook some operations under his real name while conducting business in Havana and used a pseudonym in America to gather intelligence. Following his repeated questioning by Cuban authorities he was exfiltrated and reassigned to the Agency’s JMWAVE Station within Florida. Emilio amid the nineteen sixties aided projects seeking to influence anti-Castro dissidents organizing resistance groups. By nineteen sixty-seven he was a case officer assigned to Caracas Station in Venezuela undertaking a role in large counterintelligence projects but died one year later of natural causes.
Fitness Report Miscellaneous Biographic File Personal History Statement
Related Alias
Leon Bernada
Related Pseudonym
Peter J. Digerveno