Psychological Warfare OFFICER E. Howard HUNT
He was born amid nineteen eighteen within New York and later graduated from Rhode Island’s Brown University. Everette joined the US Navy amidst WWII and in the course of the nineteen forties he enlisted with the US Office of Strategic Services intelligence group. He subsequently was employed writing for Time Incorporated, a business that notably hired multiple intelligence employees prior to official service. Hunt joined the CIA as an intelligence officer amidst nineteen forty-nine and was transferred to Mexico City year later prior to the formation of a base. As the early nineteen fifties passed he served the Office of Policy Coordination, was part of the Political and Psychological Warfare Staff, and became Deputy Chief of Mexico City Station. Amongst nineteen fifty-four Hunt supported Operation PBSUCCESS to displace Guatemala's political leadership by undertaking psychological and paramilitary operations. Two years later he was the Chief of Montevideo Station in Uruguay and was reassigned to Mexico City under commercial cover during nineteen sixty.
Photo from Hunt’s BIOgraphiC Files
Hunt assisted in psychological and paramilitary operations supporting Agency sponsored Cuban exiles that eventually included the Bay of Pigs. He managed propaganda operations in the media and was a liaison with other government agencies to coordinate paramilitary staff projects during nineteen sixty-three. November of the same year Hunt was involved with anti-Castro operations and coordinated meetings with Cuban exiles and Agency leaders. Some have claimed he was associated with President Kennedy’s assassination but substantial primary evidence refutes such ideas. E. Howard Hunt was an intelligence officer stationed at Langley headquarters and Europe for most of his later career until retiring amidst nineteen seventy. Some of Hunt’s following clandestine work for the Nixon administration ended with disastrous results by triggering the Watergate scandal.
Biographic Profile
Fitness Reports
Fitness Report 1 Fitness Report 2 Fitness Report 3
House Select Committee Testimony 1 HSC Testimony 2
Other Files
Personal History Statement Personnel File Personnel File 2
Security Files
Security File 1 Security File 2 Security File 3 Security File 4
Related Pseudonyms
Terrence Crabanac
Edward Hamilton
John F. Rittenhouse
Walter C. Twicker