He was born amidst the summer of nineteen eighteen within the Georgian city of Gori which later fell under Soviet military control. David fled the Bolsheviks with his family to the capital of France where he attended and was expelled from several educational institutions. Despite ignoring most of his studies he incredibly displayed great intelligence and retained large amounts his education which allowed him to later invent machines and contrive industrial devices. The Tztzichvili family due to internal strife would separate and unravel as David’s father and sister returned to Georgia and his mother’s untimely death soon followed. David now alone in Paris joined a cavalry unit of the French Foreign Legion as the nineteen thirties ended but was discharged subsequent to repeated French military losses.
Amongst the early nineteen forties Tztzichvili remained in occupied France and had spent his time operating a photography shop. It was in this location he developed photographic alteration techniques and taught himself document forgery using existing official papers. He relocated to Berlin, was employed on a production line, and soon gained praise for inventing a gadget to adjust cartridge casings. David used his leisure time in Germany to continue honing past acquired forgery skills in order to recreate official stamps and travel forms. He further made contact with like minded individuals that decade to aid those people fleeing the fascist regime and developed a tiny resistance cell among the seat of German power in Europe. Tzitzichvili would additionally use his skills to counterfeit German vouchers used to acquire various resources during wartime.
Yet not all of David’s experiments rendered positive results and while attempting to learn bomb salvaging methods he lost part of his left hand in an explosion. This limited his ability to undertake some physical work but his vast memory allowed him over the passing years to become fluent in Georgian, French, and German. Tzitzichvili, who aiding the enemies of the regime for years, gained employment with the Berlin police for his translation skills. Yet his unnecessary risk taking would eventually lead to attempting to infiltrate the Abwehr intelligence group and David was promptly detected and arrested. Using inventive strategies he convinced Gestapo interrogators of his ability to develop of revolutionary industrial devices and bought himself months of time. When he finally was sentenced to death and sent to a prison camp Tzitzichvili would persuade the camp’s leader of his use to the German cause and was transferred to a more western located camp. Tzitzichvili was able using these means to arrange multiple transfers until the Allies liberated him at his final transfer destination.
He returned to Paris after the Second World War concluded and was employed as an electrical technician and helped develop an industrial prototype. Simultaneously, he would rob multiple French jewelry stores despite no financial need and seemingly just enjoyed the thrill of breaking the law. Yet a partner in one of the crimes seeking to avoid other charges divulged Tzitzichvili’s role in past misdeeds. Once more imprisoned amid the nineteen fifties, he would develop and sell additional technical inventions and provided one idea to a prison administrator for better treatment. After his release he worked in the medical field and produced at least two further inventions related to time management and photographic advertising.
With the passing of nineteen fifty eight the Central Intelligence Agency would learn of David via a lead concerning one of its programs targeting the Soviet Union. He would receive paramilitary training to serve in multiple Agency projects and was assigned multiple code names but his most infamous role was as the lead agent of Project WIROGUE. Tzitzichvili was sent to the Congo to aid in the Agency’s development of sabotage agents for use in varying tasks which included assassination. One Agency document notes that it was highly unlikely David could be intimidated since he lost half of his teeth to German interrogators and the other half to French prison guards. CIA officer William Harvey used him as part of Project ZRRIFLE but WIROGUE-1 would not maintain the required secrecy and his attempts to recruit sabotage agents would largely compromise aspects of the operation. The Agency had violated European laws by providing David, a stateless person, with false documents to set up his cover and in the course of nineteen sixties were attempting to retrieve the papers. Officials teased citizenship for Tzitzichvili in multiple nations if he would cooperate and thus keep his associations with the CIA quiet.
Agency case officer Fred Kirkpatrick handled discussions of resettlement with David and US officials would disclose his true name to allied intelligence for tracking purposes. He was given a fresh German identity, compensation, a safe house, and warned to avoid immigration to any country that might access his fingerprints because it would reveal his true name. The Agency further privately advised West German intelligence to avoid using Tzitzichvili amid nineteen sixty-six following prior threats of revealing himself to international officials. The code name WIROGUE-1 would be discovered inside fragmentary declassified official files by authors and officials years later. Some would deem this person the assassin of President John F. Kennedy despite no substantial evidence supporting that claim and others would link Tzitzichvili to multiple oversees intelligence operations. A few researchers over subsequent decades unearthed files that verified David Tzitzichvili’s is WIROGUE-1 and his past Agency contract employment.
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Related Pseudonym
Earnest G. Maycrink
Related Alias
David Duvard