CIA Biographic File Photo of CHarlotte BUSTOS-VIDELA
She was an Ohio native that was born amid nineteen twenty-nine and educated in the city of Dayton. Following high school Charlotte graduated from Syracuse University and moved to Guatemala where she completed another college degree. Zehrung became a CIA Western Hemisphere Division (WHD) staff employee during nineteen fifty-one and transferred to the Mexican Section of the WHD in the position of Reports Officer amidst nineteen fifty-seven. She played an integral part in multiple Latin American operations serving in the role of foreign intelligence officer and handled several related counterintelligence projects and files. Charlotte was assigned to Mexico City Station and promoted to Operations Officer in the course of nineteen sixty and was noted to perform with excellence and efficiency. A year later she married former Argentine Brigadier General Cesar Bustos-Videla and he became an "internal troubleshooter" while she was active in Mexico City.
Charlotte ZEHRUNg AMongst the Nineteen Forties
Official files note she returned to Agency headquarters and by nineteen sixty three Bustos-Videla was Acting Chief of the Mexican Desk that controlled several agents she had prior trained. Charlotte Bustos-Videla managed several projects, types of related agents, and trained new employees from the CIA’s base of operations in Virginia until nineteen sixty-seven. She returned to Mexico City that same year to analyze and screen intelligence for the Agency’s Cuban related operations. As nineteen sixty-nine passed Bustos-Videla was reassigned to advise Chief of Station James Noland in the role of executive assistant. She continued her managerial and analysis role in Mexico during part of the next decade and received high praise from a series of leading station officers. Bustos-Videla’s subsequent career at headquarters ended reportedly because Agency critic Philip Agee published her name in his biography during nineteen seventy-five.
Fitness Reports
Fitness Report 1 Fitness Report 2 Fitness Report 3 Fitness Report 4
Fitness Report 5 Fitness Report 6 Fitness Report 7 Fitness Report 8
Fitness Report 9 Fitness Report 10 Fitness Report 11 Fitness Report 12
Fitness Report 13 Fitness Report 14 Fitness Report 15 Fitness Report 16
Fitness Report 17 Fitness Report 18
Other Files
House Select Committee Testimony Personal History Statement Personnel File
Related Pseudonym
Elsie Scaletti