Sherman was born in Chicago but his family moved to Kansas where he was educated during the nineteen twenties and thirties. He eventually attended college at the University of Palo Alto in California and graduated with a degree in Economics. Amongst WWII Adrian served in the United States Army and subsequently during the nineteen forties was recruited for military intelligence (G-2). In the course of nineteen fifty two until nineteen fifty-four he served at Clark Air Force Base and drew the attention of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Adrian was a gun expert recruited by the Agency two years subsequent in the role of intelligence officer and simultaneously held military rank. He later was stationed at Patrick
Air Force Base in Florida under the cover of Safety Engineer until the end of nineteen sixties.
Amid nineteen seventy Sherman was hired as a state investigator by the Florida Attorney
General’s office. He was noted to still be reporting information to the Agency’s Domestic
Contacts Division until near the end of that decade.
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