Consolidated CIA Files update

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Presenting the latest update to the Consolidated CIA Files that includes new evidence and summaries regarding Mexico City Station officer Charles E. Flick, Costa Rican Chief of Station Earl J. Williamson, and Grayston Lynch. Additionally inspect new photographs of some prior mentioned in addition to Robert Zambernardi, Guy Vitale, Sylvia Hyde Hoke, Lee Wigren, Calvin Hicks, and Daniel Flores. Over fifty summaries in total are offered with verifiable evidence and biographic information for your review.   

Cryptonyms and Pseudonyms update

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Eight cryptonyms (BGGYPSY, DTFROGS, JMBLUG, HTKEEPER, HTPLUME, KMFLUSH, KMPLEBE, and LCPANGS) revealing nations with CIA operational interest and one US Ambassador and the pseudonyms of CIA Officers Richard Bissell (Pickney E. Lynade) and Frank Wisner (Harold S. Whiting) are revealed for your inspection. #CIA #JFK #history #evidencematters

The Calderon Affair

The Calderon Affair

Allusions related to Luisa Calderon in the Kennedy case are still offered by a few as relevant. The incident and accompanying decades of speculation have fueled a feasible myth to develop. Some attached undue importance to unproven allegations that endure of a Communist plot without substantial evidence. The episode, despite its supporters, is what one prominent researcher refers to as a "mountain built out of a molehill"...

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