The Ghost of Speculations Future

The Ghost of Speculations Future

Enduring historical matters generate significant attention which often inspires certain people to declare improbable stories that cast them as pivotal to history. Claims of royal lineage, tales of secret magical knowledge, and supposed insider knowledge repeatedly are the basis for hucksters to manipulate the public. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy offers no shortage of dishonest official actors but these former leaders are not the only challenge to ascertaining facts. There are opportunists in the public with a great appetite for perceived authority, financial gain, and similar to prior mentioned leaders they assert nearly anything without facts because they also claim to possess some truth or insight unavailable to those who require evidence. Yet how can anyone expect most in the public to believe them without any demonstrable basis to do so?

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The Ghost of Speculations Present

The Ghost of Speculations Present

The integrity of evidentiary contentions is based upon verifiable accuracy and correction of all mistakes. If the claims are repeated but not verified they remain merely unproven assertions.  Yet claims are not compelling, evidence is. Claims, no matter who offers them, require substantial proof. Unbelievable assertions require substantial evidence. Mistakes uncorrected lead to future greater errors...

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The Ghost of Speculations Past

The Ghost of Speculations Past

Official and public commentaries have attempted to fill many evidentiary gaps in the Kennedy assassination. Yet these attempts were not all based on rigorous inquiry and evidence. Perhaps a few sought a place in history, to profit, and generated their biased view of events via their own speculative presumptions. The worst of these possible are those attempting to create ideas of whole cloth with a veneer of actual evidence in attempts to gain credibility...

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