Hoover's Special Intelligence Service

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The Special Intelligence Service is a little known predecessor of the most infamous and renowned later groups that still remain in the public consciousness. This largely forgotten American entity was under the command of J. Edgar Hoover and despite his earliest lukewarm desires to manage the group, in time he would desire to use this organization as a launching point for shared control of worldwide intelligence operations with the military.

RION: John Edgar Hoover


The legal statement of Former Assistant Director of the FBI William Sullivan regards the internal actions and vendettas of J. Edgar Hoover against the CIA and Warren Commission.  They include leaking secret or embarrassing CIA information and then promoting disinformation to blame other officials, and seeking to prevent the Warren Commission's investigation from deviating from his prejudgment of Oswald's guilt. #JFK #Evidence 

Assign blame where it is verifiably Due

Assign blame where it is verifiably Due

The integrity of any investigation relies on reasonable standards; among these is the honest disclosure of all relevant evidence by leading officials. No matter what inferences are made by such full disclosure, it is their responsibility to offer the most reliable assessment. They must be unrelenting in their pursuit of those suspected and willing to offer every resource in seeking justice. If this is not the case, the investigation is flawed; hidden motivations can prevent its success. No amount of lower standards can be definitive... 

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