CIA Security Files update

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Three new CIA Security Files are offered for your inspection. The file of Richard Snyder, American consul and CIA operative, he spoke with Lee Harvey Oswald at the American Embassy during his Russian defection. Additionally, the files of two men among the handful with direct knowledge of the CIA Castro plots Edward Morgan and James O'Connell. ‪All these documents have been added to the Consolidated CIA Files. #‎CIA‬ ‪#‎JFK‬ 

FBI loyalties in the CIA

FBI loyalties in the CIA

Concealed manipulations within allied organizations have often been attributed to the Central Intelligence Agency alone but such internal power struggles and clandestine motivations are often hidden from the public and most officials. Yet it is the little noted evidentiary connections that might reveal new viable inferences and the longer one gazes upon the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency a realization may occur. In some cases, they are not quite as different as imagined...

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